Sunday 15 October 2017


This incident happened on 31st December’ 2011. Mark Zuckerberg-the founder of face book, was standing near the “Wall” of his office cabin. He happened to listen to “Kolaveri… Kolaveri.. Kolaveri.. Di” song on ring tone of the mobile phone of one of his Indian recruits. Curious, he asked his Indian employee on what was the meaning of the lyrics of this catchy song.
As anybody else, the employee didn’t know the meaning of the song. However he was not sure on how to tell the boss that the song which has gone viral on net, on every mobile’s ringtone, there is a call to make it national anthem of India, has lyrics whose meaning nobody knows, and this including the song writer.
Indians, especially who study in India, and serve foreigners abroad, are known to be smart. He cooked a story.
The lyrics of Kolaveri Di song denote ancient Indian classical wisdom . The meaning of the song is that -Life is a transient phase. We enter the world empty-handed and leave it also in same condition. There are no friends or foes. Man has to do the work which helps in serving the mankind. Wealth is immaterial and everything related to this is “maya” and nothing else. The objective of life is to “give” and not to “take”.
More Mark listened to the song, more he became engrossed in meaning of life , it’s shallowness. Why do we come in this world? Is “My Wall” very important. When we will die, will it matter how many “Friends” I had. Isn’t “Kolaveri” as Indians call it, the only meaning of life .And more Mark thought, more he became enlightened.
His moment of reckoning had come.
He decided to close down the face book. This to happen from the midnight of Ist January GMT ,with all billions earned to be given as charity to poor people of Africa and Uttar Pradesh. Mark decided to stay in jungles for remaining part of his life where friend requests are from nature and no one else.
And then there was no Face book.
It was like Armageddon. Obviously it became newspaper headlines. CNN and BBC started running continuous coverage on the closure. Street protests erupted all throughout the world and this time aided by prehistoric phone calls and SMS. There was news that some Tibetan monks have threatened self-immolation if Face book is not restored. Anna Hazare decided to go on fast to press the Indian government to pass the bill in parliament that Mark would be forced to start face book again. Many office goers across the world took sick leave as they were not able to understand as how they will spend time in office without checking on their and their friend’s walls. Businesses got hit. Another Wall i.e. Wall street collapsed. Greece, Italy , Spain and Portugal parliaments passed a resolution that they will default willfully and gleefully and bring down the global economy, if something is not done on this. Some sociologists predicted that it is end of the human race.
The president of USA had to intervene.
A special session of UN was called. It was decided to find out Mark and Face book to be started again.
USA marine commandos hunted down Mark in jungles of Pakistan . Though Pakistan government was unhappy that USA had carried out yet another mission without any of the Pakistani being aware , yet for world peace and promise of American dollars, they decided to not to make a hue and cry.
Mark was reluctant . He gave reference of Kolaveri Di song and how the song has given him learning’s of Athara and Rig Veda. There were intense parley and negotiations. However in the end he was convinced by a crack team of Indian entrepreneurs led by Lalit Modi who explained Mark that ancient Indian wisdom actually teaches on how to maximize your greed and increase your wealth.
Face book was reborn.
The employee who was listening to Kolaveri Di song was sacked and is looking for a suitable job through Google Plus.

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