Saturday 26 August 2017


It is 2012. Survival of the fittest theory has been replaced by survival of the multi-tasker. You live if you can two different things, besides living. For individuals it is called muti-tasking and businesses call it diversification. Therefore in 2012, you will find cigarette makers like ITC also producing protein rich biscuits, alcohol makers like United Breweries flying King Fisher Airlines , world’s largest software maker Microsoft going for hardware like tablets and social service being a career. And at individual level there are cricket players also good at betting and fixing, politicians being master minds in crimes, IMF chiefs being good in the matters of the bed and cine artists becoming leaders of people.

How can my neighborhood be far behind?

Our next door car workshop owner decided to open a preschool for tiny tots- the improvised version of the crèche where children are kept for 3-4 hours. Only thing was that he tried to impart basics of automotive skills to little kids also.

Here are a few snippets on what happened of this multi tasking, when the kindergarten school was run by a person with an automobile back ground……
A B C was taught and “ A” was for accelerator, “B “for brake and “C” for Clutch. A B C is basic and it is very important that it is learnt or done by heart. If not then ‘D’ is “death” and “E” is “Engine overhaul”. However if ABC is known, “F” is for “Formula One”. And beyond “F’ there is nothing. If there is, it is taught in senior schools.

Toys are needed so that children can pass their time and enjoy. What better than nuts, bolts, jack, tyre tube, silencer, radiator and other engine parts. And the children who were most well-behaved were given broken steering of an old car to play with. Children love to splash with water. So tubes of the tyre were used to be dipped in a water pool and also to know where there is a puncture. School owner had a point when he used to say that besides playing, children were also learning basics of mechanical engineering.

And it is true that what a person would become in life can be identified in young age itself. That girl Aishwaraya who loves to play with rear view mirror will become a model one day. That boy Bappi who fiddles with car audio system seems to have an ear for music. Cute little Sikh boy Manmohan Singh fears sitting on front seat and likes back seat. And the one, who always wear a cap, is very quiet, has frequent bouts of not eating anything for prolonged periods, and not even tells his name is called by staff by name of Anna.

Different pre-schools have different ways to manage children who cry and wail a lot. Some have swings, some have mini theatres and some give toffee and chocolates. This school had a toy car with a hydraulic lift platform. The children, who used to create issue, were put in the toy car, with the lift pushing the car up and down, and down would come children, laughing and enjoying this joy ride.
Potty training and honking are related to each other. Physics is same in both the case. There is a development of a sharp urge, movement of bowels or hands, application of pressure and resulting in a discharge of matter or sound. More deep the urge more prolonged are the movements. So children here were conditioned to use pressure horns as an indication of toilet needs.

So net net children were having fun. Parents were happy that their wards are shaping up well. The school has started gaining name and recognition for itself and last we heard owner of Shamrock play school is looking at business model of car workshops.
Now that is for later.

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