Sunday 15 October 2017


There is nothing which money can’t buy. Hence if we have less money, we can talk about ethical philosophical thoughts, but, fact remains that money is important. And for the benefit of millions of people, who jump and dance and eat chocolates (if it can be afforded) on first date of month, we are revealing secrets, on how to get good salary increments. A must read. Put on your glasses, if you use, to see all fine prints here.
The first and foremost thing is that it is not important that you work, but, requirement is to show that you are working. Move with energy even if you are feeling sleepy in your workplace. Make a huge noise, cry yourself hoarse, tell everyone even if some are not willing to listen, if your one small bit of effort has resulted in some positive effects. Things to do list, is not made to act, but to show it to your boss discreetly, even if it has remained the same for last 8 working days. If you are planning to surf the net, play games and chat after sending the important e-mail, the smart technique is to first prepare the draft, let us say by 5:30 P.M., have fun on company’s expense and send the e-mail by 10:30 P.M. when you are about to leave. The impression would be that poor chap has been working hard till 10:30 P.M. in the night.

There are Oriental massages, African way of massage, Ayurvedic massage, herbal massages, animal massages and what all but the best and most important and which you need to learn is how to massage the ego of your boss. It is a very delicate technique requiring years of practice, good ingredients, right kind of situations and ability to apply softly and slowly.

Every human being likes to be appreciated, adored, and respected. So how can you boss or client be different. Flattery is a difficult art but once you get a hold on to it, it becomes the biggest skill advantage and technical competence you can have. If you are not adept to it, practice it day in and day out. Observe people who are successful in corporate world and you can learn a lot of techniques of flattery from these masters.

And now the most important commandment is that never, never the buck should stop at you. When the things go wrong, the reason is that whom you have delegated didn’t work as he/she should be, or your senior or client didn’t give proper authority or instruction. No way, on this earth, you can be responsible for the blame, even if you are only one who has led to this fiasco. Have a strong EQ i.e. emotional quotient. Even if client or customer shouts and screams at you, make sure that the moment it come’s in the right ear, next second later, it goes out from the left ear. Do not get affected by it. Professionally it is called as “part of job”, “professional hazards” etc.,

Hard work is working throughout the year. Smart work is working 2 months before the appraisal. Technically in HR, it is called as “recency effect” and universally applicable. Become very active as soon as performance appraisal months come near. Come early, leave late. Respond to each communication like your life depends on it. Get involved in each project as never before. If the boss’s wife is facing problem, because the maid or servant is not coming, do overtime at his house. It will also help in building a personal relationship. Drop a hint or two that you are getting an offer from competition, and yes, obviously, even this may not be true at all.

Can these strategies ever fail? They never have and never will. Once you apply them, the salary increments would be good and money will be able to buy you everything. So what are you waiting for?

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