Sunday 23 July 2017


Life expectancy (unless you live in Afghanistan or travel by Mumbai local) is regarded as 80 currently. So when one turns 40, is it, as has been famously said, that “life begins at 40” or is at actually beginning of the end?
If there is half filled good wine in the glass, it would always be half empty and not half full.
For this equation also, we believe that looking at age 40 will depend on variable factors like whether you are below the poverty line or above it, grayish hair or barren land at the top, happily married or blissful divorcee et al.
It seems you have lot of time (since you are reading this post),let us examine some specifics .
Those with less money tend to age earlier.
From the age of zero to 40, if you didn’t have silver spoon in the mouth, statistical chances are that you will have never. There is nothing wrong in dreaming, getting convinced by a few cases of a few people who came out of poverty in middle years, however the facts don’t change.
On the other hand if you are rich, at 40, you may start with adding to your rare collection of paintings and souvenirs. Add a wife who is envy of all. Move about anti oxidants, grape seed extracts et al. Money is the best anti ageing agents, to have ever been discovered.

At 40 the marital status is fully defined, described and cemented.

If you are married and can’t divorce, chances are that you will remain married regardless of state of your mind. Same is true with a happily divorcee person and if somebody is bachelor, well, somebody above who was making marriages up in heaven, goofed up!!
When you are repaying a loan from the bank, the rate of interest remains the same but the principal keeps on decreasing. There is a theory that marriages also work on the same concept.
While reading this line, whether you have considered love in the marriage to be “principal” or “rate of interest’, is subjective.

If you considered it as rate of interest, you “are” happily married. And if you have considered it as principal, you “were” happily married.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. After middle age beauty do not lie anywhere.
Imagine a beauty pageant or a Mr. Universe kind of a title contest for people who are above the age of 40.

Let it remain an imagination only because it can never be a reality.

If beauty is a bell shaped curve, time wise, and not, figure wise, middle age is top of the bell. The beauty begins to wane. All kind of diseases are the door step. Getting a new job or term insurance for death, both are equally difficult. And beauty is last thing on the mind.

And then there are Gayatri Devi’s of this world that age doesn’t affect.

So life begins at 40??Each one of us will have his or her own answer.

And therein lies the beauty of something we call life.

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