Sunday 23 July 2017


What is the similarity between pop singer Shakira dancing on song “hips don’t lie’” and Kangaroos jumping up and down in forests?

Life started as a single cell some billions of years ago. It may have been egg first or chicken first or both simultaneously but the fact remains that with the passage of time, various species were evolved. It is said that we, the human beings are the most evolved species. However isn’t it that we are basically from the same stock? The nucleic acids, the proteins, the molecules of life are the same!!.Cement and mortar have to be used, you build a prison wall or a five star hotel.

Presenting, my dear readers, the story of the genes of various species that didn’t get mutated in human beings and continue to be behave in their original fashion.

Imagine hundreds and hundreds of rats. One starts running and suddenly everyone starts running. Nobody neither knows the destination nor the purpose of running but still continues to run and the sole objective is to run faster and ahead of rats who are running alongside. Human beings also run. They want to be richer than their next door neighbor, more successful than their relatives and more beautiful than their mirror. Everyone is racing to have a luxury car, holiday at exotic location, super home, and huge amount of money in bank and so on. Why is incidental.

If a few crabs are kept in a jar and the jar is open, nothing will happen. No crab will get out. They will remain as it is. As soon as one crab gets the chance to climb the wall of the jar, some other crab will pull him down. There are a few employees working in a firm , where the managerial position is vacant. Everyone wants to become the boss but nobody is able to do it. All of them are finding faults in their team members and exposing it to the management. Search for boss continues.

Owls are awake in the night and sleep in the day. You find the youngsters of PG generation (post Google generation) starting their parties at 11:00 P.M. in the night , having a nature’s call break at 2:00 a.m. midnight and then again continuing partying till dawn. And when the sun shines, the eyelids drop and they go to sleep. And we have students who believe that only time to study is night only and sunlight is somehow injurious to learning.

Wisdom is that if a monkey takes away your bag, the best way to retrieve it would be to throw something in your hand, to the ground. Monkey is habituated to copy what they see. They would throw the bag back on the ground on seeing you throwing .In human beings you will find writers copying work of some other one who may have copied from someone else, and what is called as process of “inspiration”. There are musicians who copy someone else tune, distant sculptures, separated by vertex of time and space, look similar. If a celebrity, may be by mistake., starts wearing a cap with flap backwards, it becomes new fashion trend.

Bulls are not only very strong animals but also their sexual escapades are legendary. And then we have Tiger Woods –the ace golfer. Reports have it that if you throw a stone, on any side of the Atlantic, chances are that it will fall on a woman mated by the golfer. In humans sperms are produced in millions but egg by human females in solitary. So male humans like bulls have the urge to mate here and there and they continue to run amok.

Rats, crabs , owls, and then monkeys, and oh my God- bulls also-various species from whole spectrum. What is the conclusion?
Genes don’t lie!!

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