Sunday 25 February 2018


About 410 years ago, Shakespeare wrote that “there is nothing either good or bad, but, thinking makes it so”.

We are not sure whether Shakespeare understood economics, but, considering his expertise in all things about life, we can assume that he meant this prophecy for “Lehman Brothers” also. Till now you all may have heard, read ,felt or dreamt, the “bad”, “worse” and “worst” things about the economic depression. To prove that the great poet was correct, here is details of all good things about “recession”.

There is a statutory warning that reading these may be injurious to your mental health and you are agreeing to read this at your own discretion and risk.

First things first. Calories are directly proportional to salaries. Have you ever heard of problems of obesity, cholesterol levels, sugar issues etc., in those people who earn less? Recession leads to less increments, no increments or salary cuts. The good thing is that less you will earn less you would spend on calories intakes. You don’t have money to go to KFC’s and Macdonald’s and are away from fast food. You will remain fit and fine. There is no need to buy heart friendly but costly Saffola’s.
Secondly, the workplace becomes very congenial and friendly. There is no requirement to back stab your colleague and prove your more worthiness to your boss, since in any case; neither you nor your competitor is going to get any promotion and incentives. Sales targets are reduce and one can relax and enjoy. Negotiations are easy as vendors are willing to crawl, when you just wish them to bend.
Thirdly, in this era of global warming, glaciers declining and all those bad chemicals like carbon monoxide and nitrous dioxide, recession is a good time for environment. There is less road traffic. Since you can’t maintain four wheels, cheap and environment friendly cycle rickshaws become mode of travel. Emissions become less. Coal and firewood for cooking is not burning, since we don’t have anything to eat in the first place. The monster green house gases reduce and the eco system get a breather.

Further, the chance of having a divorce or split up in times of recession decreases considerably. You have less work and thus large amount of time for your spouse and girlfriends. There is no work stress and a perfect work-life balance exists. When the husband comes from work, the wife serves snacks and food prepared by “herself”. This is because maid in the kitchen for cooking cannot be afforded.
And, everything goes on “sale” in recession. Currently there is 40% sale on all products of “Reebok” and thus middle class people can tell their grandchildren that they actually went to a “Reebok” store and bought something. However you need to hurry up. As the tag line of ad campaign, gives the warning it is you vs. everyone. Real Estate companies, who used to deal in condominiums and purchase was by invitation only, are coming up with “affordable housing”. A year ago, in pre recession days, has anyone imagined that interest rates can actually go down? Instead of travelling in erstwhile “budget airlines”, you can travel in “full fare’’ airlines, since cost implication for both are same. As hotels are going all the way , to fill their rooms, you can get a hefty discount and get a chance of your life time, to have a “look “on how luxury hotels are from inside. Our Finance Minister, to boost economy and reduce recession effects, has reduced taxes on LCD TV’s, luxury cars. “Jai Ho”.

In conclusion we can safely say that there is enough empirical evidence that Shakespeare was right.

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